How to donate
Want to raise free donation for Birmingham Christmas Shelter?
Well now you can! We’re registered with easyfundraising! It’s a hassle-free platform that allows you to turn your everyday online shopping into donations for Birmingham Shelter, all at no extra cost to you.
Here’s how you can help
Sign Up: Head over to our page on easyfundraising and select ‘Sign up and support this cause.’
Download the easyfundraising app: Shop online as usual with over 8000 retailers, including all your favourites.
Raise: With every purchase you make, retailers will donate a portion of the sale to Birmingham Christmas Shelter.
More information on easyfundraising: How To Videos

via CARD
CAF Bank automatically claims 25 pence in Gift Aid for every pound donated.
Shop online as usual with over 8000 retailers and Raise with every purchase you make
Head to easyfundraising and select ‘Sign up and support this cause.’